Softening into Life’s Rhythms (slowly but surely)

Dear Stewards of Life,

As you read through this email take a moment to let your feelings of ‘needing to seize an opportunity’ take a day trip to the spa (or a couple moments ).

I’m excited to share some ever-so-refreshing relevant news with you!

Drum roll, please. 

We're not all designed to be “go-getters". 


In fact, the majority of us aren't. 

Mmm… do you feel the subtle relief that washes over you as you take a deep breath and embrace the possibility that you don’t have to be a “go-getter”?

Are you relieved to hear that not all your opportunities in Life are riding on you and you alone. 

Can you envision a reality whereby relaxing into trust, patience, and simplicity the right opportunities gracefully unfold in divine timing awaiting your response?

Sounds like a dream, huh?

Well, what if you were literally designed to respond to Life this way?

If there is one thing Human Design has taught me it is that we are all uniquely designed AND most of us are wearing the wrong energetic jumpsuit. #sorrynotsorry

According to HD about 70% of us are wired to respond to Life rather than aggressively chase it. *double gasp* 

Soooo I ask you, does the archetype of a go-getter align with your authenticity?

Would you want to try on a different energetic jumpsuit that may fit your personality, aura, & life more naturally?  

Mmm… Let’s check in.

Questions to check in with the current jumpsuit you are wearing: 

  • Are your pursuits driven by a fear that if you don't seize opportunities they may slip away forever? 

  • Is there an underlying anxiety about never being asked, prompting a deep pressure to constantly go and get?

  • Does the potential feeling of missing out on an opportunity make your system collapse? 

There's no inherent wrongness in the ‘go-getter archetype’; rather, it's an invitation to explore the corners of your own authenticity & your unique relationship to the dance of Life itself.  


Human Design teaches us that we have a choice.

It also teaches us that most of our conditioning drives an energy that is saying “Get out there Johnny! Make something of yourself, and don’t come back until you do!” 

Do any of your inner critics ever sound like military sergeants? Yeah, me too.

Your authentic energy would never cease to overwhelm or punish you.

This exploration (or article rather) is an invitation to check in with your OWN body.

Do you find resistance to trusting the natural unfolding of life? 

How can you invite more ease, grace, and patience into these spaces once space is created.

Simply becoming aware of these tendencies is a profound form of self-discovery and deep medicine on a body, nervous system, and energetic level. 


My biggest teacher in this unfolding has been Nature.

Growing a garden has shown me how plants, herbs, & veggies effortlessly grow where there is room for them.

They subtly and humbly seize the opportunities that are right for them without the need to sacrifice their deep-seated roots. 

They do not “override” their capacities in the name of being the biggest flower or plant. 

In nature’s kingdom there is no conditioned version of ‘success’, just a omnipresent sense of ‘I know exactly what is needed’.

Nature inherently understands its role in the larger mycelium networks, that is why it so freely and willingly flourishes when the time is right.

Nature understands the profound synergy that echoes among all things.

It knows it doesn't have to do any of it’s ‘work’ alone. 

There is a sense of harmony that develops in any living being when the need for ‘force’, or urge ‘to do’, in order ‘to get’ dissolves. 

Nature understands both the illusion and importance of time, it encourages yet embodies the Union between flow & productivity. 

This too is our True Nature. May we remember this rhythm. 

As we deepen our body-aura awareness & navigate the dance between ‘seizing opportunities’ and allowing Life to present them in its own time, a deeply rich & sustainable relationship imbues between you, your unique offerings, & Life itself.

Pure - Life-giving - Magic.



On Being in my Body


The Dis-Ease of Keeping Up