Chaos As Sacred ꩜

The Practice of Seeing Chaos Through the Lens of God

Beauty is messy. 

Birth is messy. 

Making art is messy. 

When we approach the mess with eyes of love and an open heart it all becomes God in the end. 

When we reclaim and choose to see our “mess” as something filled with beauty, grace, and sacredness - we begin to transform our relationship to taking up our own authentic amount of space in the world.

In turn we begin to walk the bridge of transformation and heal micro to macro, all relationships, with nature, life, creation, God, family, & so much more.

Now that sounds like a party, lil hermit ol’ me would like to attend.

Through the embodiment of taking up the appropriate amount of space (ie: how would you naturally walk knowing you’re divinely safe, you belong, & knowing that your access to your inherit ‘okness’ is boundless?).

It is needless to say that your intuition, gifts and ability to trust all of Life can online more fully and wholly.

Now that’s not to say our goal is to become the “perfect” human & be fully regulated in all moments, the goal is never perfectionism.

But in each moment what if you could tap into the endless stream of availability of your own authenticity? 

Recently, I’ve realized this is a strategy I’ve been in collaboration (more so a tug & pull relationship ) with my entire life, thinking have I ever actually taken up the proper amount of space?

When are the moments I shrunk, hid, or denied my gifts and talents to make everyone else in the room comfortable?

When are the moments I’ve felt so unshakably defensive and pushed my energy out to fill the entire room as a means to control?

These moments may have been small in the grand scheme, but if we look deeper it is running and operating our entire nervous system/aura and the mechanics behind this fascinate me. One of my teachers, Pilar, brought this idea to my attention and since then I’ve been thoughtfully playing with these concepts and ideas. Thank you Pilar

More recently, I’ve noticed this hidden link within my own life – Through the lens of taking up the appropriate amount of space, how does this relate to my relationship to “chaos” or my own mess?

What is my relationship to structure and form as a woman who has always operated from a place of “playful, go with the flow, and unstructured”?

How has this archetype been masked to cover the fact that I have been deathly afraid of making a ‘mess’? How has this halted me in co-creating with Life, and lastly, making Art from a mess?

This resistance to approaching form that comes in mundane tasks, lists, or as my brain saw it a ‘mess’, with loving eyes and an open heart hasn’t always been my thing.

It wasn’t until I decided to start having conversations with God a few mornings a week while I drank my tea (lol) that I began to understand the concept and true importance of Form, Father, and fundamental basic universal laws.

…And the fact that nature perfectly mirrors every paradox in the book.  

I’ve noticed this resistance as fear of my own multidimensional, multifaceted feminine essence, the chaos of the unknown, the chaos of the mystery, the chaos of creating change, and the story; “if I create this sort of structure, I will create more chaos and confusion and also I’m f**** scared”.

UGH, FALSE. But of course I wouldn’t be writing this, nor would it be my unconscious sun in Human Design, if it was so easy.

I've had this fear of becoming intoxicated by Creation & Form merging, falling in love, being ‘out of control’ with yearnings, desires, and complete rapture. This whole love affair between the two scared me, and maybe it still does… But beyond all of this – there is a paradox.

Without containment there wouldn't be chaos and without chaos there wouldn’t be containment.

As one of the universal laws, they must go together. So what if I went towards the resistance, what if understanding one cannot exist without the other, I moved gracefully towards it… although I’m still reveling in this unfolding, I’ve already felt and witnessed the potency of this union.

…Pure Magic  , if you allow it to be.

As I write this, I’m realizing I’m in a season or maybe life-long journey of rewiring my brain to first of course, choose LOVE, and secondly to engage with chaos as a sign that magic is afoot.

Which brings me to ask you, what is your relationship to chaos? Do you allow yourself to create fully and wholly with both structure and rapture married?

What if you devoted a moment to be drunk on the Divine and a moment of pause while doing dishes and feel God? 

What if we used chaos as the map, trusting that beyond the chaos and amidst the chaos there lies divine containment.

Trusting that form and chaos will never be without each other, nor were they ever. 

Anyways, I’m feeling tired now. Time for my 3 o clock scheduled nap. Just kidding, I still revel in the spontaneity of the auspicious nap. 

Love you Sacred Ones.

Xo, Dani


A love story between the Conduit & the heart of Creation


Nurture the Void