A love story between the Conduit & the heart of Creation

Dear reader,

It’s time I share with you the birthing of the The Sovereign Space. Enjoy.

The Sovereign Space was a seed I planted almost 2 years ago while sitting on my best friends porch, the ripeness of spring and eagerness of creation filled my body.

Earlier that week I had received a vision one morning upon waking. Instead of seeking out this said ‘vision’; that might I mention, felt equally alluring as scary… I fell silent, I listened. It felt different. I felt divine sacredness and that ‘something’ profound had just been delivered into my body & subconscious.

…I chose to yet again devote & commit, almost without choice, to turn my attention back to my greatest teacher of all; Life & Nature itself.

As much as I was afraid of this innocent seedling & ’vision’, I felt incredibly intrigued and captivated by its presence. It would not leave my sight, mind, or Heart for the next 6 months.

Eventually, this subtle seedling and I became closer and closer.

It shared secrets.

It shared its deepest desires.

It shared its longings, tones, textures, & feelings.

I came to Love it as I would a lover or a child.

Upon listening not just with my ears but with my Heart, I eventually ended up purchasing the website name “thesovereignspace.com”.

This very ethereal energy beckoned to come into structure, form, discipline, and again asked for deeper commitment from me.

AND yet again…I returned to surrender, trust, & listening.

I let the website sit for about 10 months (another story in itself). During this time I battled not all, but A LOT of ‘should's, & ‘should not’s’, fears, and outdated beliefs within the business world.

It was clear this creation and I were Refining, Updating, & Integrating together.

This creation was (yet still is), mirroring, teaching, & guiding me into the deepest transformation I have ever experienced.

I never knew Life would have initiated me into creating a virtual space for community, ceremony, classes, & artistry… let alone ever go on social media again.

The hermit in me has had to die many deaths to get to where I am.

The beauty and potency of what the ‘The Sovereign Space’ embodies is beyond me.

It is a space where the Land meets the Sea and the Mystic meets Art.

It is where community meets life-giving change, transformation, and liberation.

It is where devotional play meets committed structure.

It is where the Formless meets Form and the Earth meets Heaven.

It is a space devoted to you

It is of my honor and reverence to welcome you and to share my deepest Heart’s (co)Creation(s).

All of You is welcome here, beloved one.


Creation Graveyard: An Ode to the ‘Could Have Been’


Chaos As Sacred ꩜