The Common Sense of Magic — the wisdom of Gene Key 60

The only thing needed for magic to occur is some form of a structure and an open mind!
— Richard Rudd

Gene Key 60 teaches us the inherent cyclical nature and universal law governing all structures and forms and teaches us the simple (yet, highly complex) building blocks of magic itself. 

The fundamental truth is that nothing in existence is destined to last indefinitely, and in the absence of a well resourced container nothing of true sustenance can be made possible. Ugh, but also YES. (Virgo north node here)

Just as nature continually renews and transforms itself, we, too, must recognize the inevitability of death and decay and rework our mental landscapes to mirror our current, updated, & refined selves. 💡🔗🔑 

When we embrace this, we come to understand the omnipresent freshness and innocence of rebuilding something ‘new’ and that adaptation is an integral part of our true nature. (Hell yes) 

Many systems we are introduced to, specifically the 'spiritual realm' encourages the transcendence of limitations.... insert: every manifesting toolkit on the internet. "You don't need a human body, all you need is the power of your manifestation list to reach your dreams!"

However, MOST things we desire, require a foundation, framework, and structure in order to truly thrive.

How would you have come into form if there wasn’t a structured body to inhibit?

So this leaves me to say, 'transcending' limitation is an utter LIE. 

And here's why,

  • Limitation is here to simply anchor us into what is real, authentic, and rational. 

  • Once we understand that anything truly in ‘flow’ cannot exist with a structure or limitation, we can then become free. 

  • Once we define our limits, we can them break them.

The gate 60 archetype loves rules -- BUT only loves them to break them.

She understands that only through her ability to create a sacred, resourceful, and structured container, can she then dance outside of it.

This is the magic of the 60th gene key. 

The energy of limitation is simultaneously the shadow, the gift, and the very ‘thing’ we must engage with fully to collaborate authentically with all of Life. 

So this invites me to ask you:

  • What is your current relationship to structure?

  • Where may you be rigid in thinking and speaking?

  • Where are you ready to dismantle an outdated structure in invite in more magic?

  • Where is Gate or Gene Key 60 in your human design or Hologentic Profile?


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